Live from Texas! Eccentric Smart Handy And Beautiful! Kountry Soul Girl gives you the ins and out of various exciting experiences.
Tuesday, January 22, 2013
BWWOB-Life isn't fair now get over it! meme
As your fellow swirler KountrySoulGirl in the mean Piney Woods of East Texas, my mentor DDR, give us this lil message:
Get over it! And live out to your fullest potential! Or I should say "Live it beyond the universe!"
Have fun with your life and whom you choose to date/love/marry in the global world. Remember, their some doozies out in the world and you must laugh, laugh, laugh at them because laughter is the best medicine. I love it when when I laugh at those who poke fun, have my name in their mouth because they can not stand what I do in mine is something they can't achieve even though they have the potential to do so. Just because I'm single doesn't mean I want to be like this forever.
Dating can be a stank for some of us but I rather focus on myself in areas to improve and of course flirt alot! I love flirting and smiling! Knocks 10 years from my age. My college student I.D., hahahaha, a freshmen in high school. No makeup, just a smile! But still that doesn't stop me from not going out there and having fun fun fun!!!
I'm thinking if my profile on two online dating websites. Most of the time, I do winks but that's it. One or two popped in a email but other than that nothing. Doesn't faze me because there's public places! Can't wait for spring break to arrive. I have some ideas for my birthday to have fun. Either a weekend out in Vegas, St. Patrick's Parade in Dallas or the 5k Zombie Run outside of Dallas. Of course I gotta get another tattoo. Deciding on a cover- up or another half sleeve on my right arm. Hell, I dunno.
Welp, about that time for me to hit the hay for some sleep, got class in the morning.
Love & Blessings!
Sunday, January 20, 2013
My Grandfather "Big Daddy" the King is gone.
Love you!!!!! |
Tomorrow is the MLK day, this past Saturday we laid another King to rest.
On January 14th, my grandfather passed away around 6:30 p.m. from a heart attack. I'm glad my grandmother went outside to check on the laundry but only to find him wedged between the coffee table and the love seat when she came back. My father helped him to the hospital and he was gone. I was at work and my daughter had band practice, she helped me clean the rest of the restrooms and off we go home early to get her to bed. The porch light was on and two cars was outside the house. Odd, I thought why are there cars around this late at her house. Never dawned on me, those crusty ass no good dogs didn't bark, they didn't wag their tails when my daughter called for them. Walking inside the house, my uncle was on the phone telling someone "think about the good memories", a cousin on the couch sniffing and my grandmother looking very sad. My eyes turned to that empty lazy boy chair. I thought he was in the bed sleep, finally came to my senses that my grandfather was gone. I ran outside letting out a bellow, couldn't care less if it was thirty degrees outside, Big Daddy was gone.
Son, Red Rooster, Red, Big Daddy all those nickname we've called him throughout the years, our King is gone from our Pondarosa. He loves watching westerns. One show that stuck out as a child is Bonanaza. He reminds me of Ben Cartwright; fair, protected his family from harm, raised cattle. And a bunch of shotguns!!! LOL... He didn't graduated from high school only to drop out and take care of his younger sister. Big Daddy served in the Korean War when enlisted in the Army. Worked around in the Beaumont/Port Arthur area and then on becoming a truck driver. He married my grandmother on Feb 1953, had four sons and one daughter.
He wasn't a man of words but his actions spoke louder than ever. The goofiest laugh and these crazy saying " Nothing but the leaves shaking on the trees in the cool breeze." Hmm, I gotten it right this time. My grandfather was buried yesterday with the veterans' color guard sounding off in the distance after the bugle was played, his body was finally laid to rest. He had a soldier's funeral as his comrades shot three times in the air, my brother and I saluted. Wasn't paying attention if anyone else did but I gave him my respects for all what he did in his life and country. I didn't cry because I spent as much time with him. I was through crying for two days and facing it is the final see ya soon is what gave me the peace.
They don't make men like him anymore. Those guys grew up in a different era where times were hard. He lived during Jim Crow era, Civil Rights and seeing the first mixed race president in the White House. May not seem crucial but for him, meant ALOT! Men like my granddad can work, get a big ol gash on their arm, wrap it up with a cloth and kept working. They protect their families from harm and never let any stinkin' body touch a hair on their heads. He was the type of man that did the work and made sure that my grandmother, his wife and his children never went hungry. Remembering my grandmother told me they lived on eighty dollars a month. A MONTH?? That was a lot and now its not crap now. She also told me the house they lived in, a shotgun house: one bedroom, kitchen, bath and living room. The meaning shotgun house is if you shot through the house, the bullet will go through the front and out the back door. When it rained, the roof was so bad it leaked and leaked. She cried and cried every time it rained and seeing her cry, he bought a house for her. He couldn't make it without my grandmother, that was his baby. When they first met, he lied about his age saying he was 19 but only 24 and she was only 17 years old. Also he had a girl that he was seeing at the time. In the mist of it all, my grandmother won! She didn't act a damn fool, stupid nor petty kinda "stole" him away from the other lady. My grandmother knew that she was about to embark on a journey with him and he knew that it was going to be an glorious journey and both made the right decision with each other. I've never heard them have heated arguments, cussing each other out, none of that crap. Their marriage is and still the model for me to have a great relationship one day with that quality man. I don't care how traditional, old, out of date their generation is but I kept my ears open and watched. How many of you have grandparents/parents/aunts & uncles have marriages that stick over 40 years?? Being from divorced parents, I didn't look up to them as much for a relationship advices, mostly my questions went my grandmother and still today. May sound mean, slightly underminding my parents but I want to see the REAL McCOY!
I have plenty good memories of him. During his two years in and out of the hospital, his mind wasn't functioning. Bout of dementia and Alzheimer's troubled him with a double dose of blocked arteries. His cholesterol was one point over the normal range and a doctor substituting for his regular doctor increased his iron & cholesterol medication. He tickled the mess out of me that day, waiting for the doctor at the VA hospital in Shreveport. Took so damn long!!! I bought him a soda, gave it to him "After this soda, WE'RE LEAVING!!!" LOL..You should have seen the tenacity of my grandpa down the crap out of his soda. So after his soda, we are ready to blow this popsicle stand until "When I get through using the bathroom, WE'RE LEAVING!" LMAO!!!
Boy, this man here!!! Couldn't do nothing but laugh.
He also helped my children and I move out of hell house two years ago when the ex-husband kicked us out. Do you think he was going to act a fool when my grandfather was outside? Hell naw! I know he talked a bunch of crap about how old and stupid he was do you think he cared? Nope! My grandfather would have beat the brakes, changed his tires, rotated his struts if he ever laid a hand on me and my children in his presence. Big Daddy gave me his Jeep to drive since we left with the clothes on our back and what little we salvaged during our rescue. My grandfather always rescued me when I called. Even when the ex-husband refused to take me to work when down to one car and the money wasn't pouring in due to his laziness, he still came and helped. My father the same but something about my grandfather who shows courage and know-how without any complaints is the reason why.
I am very greatful and proud that my children and I spent as much time with him in these two years since my divorce and getting back on my feet. Especially my children. I told them "Spend time with your great-grandparents because they know things, learn from them and exercises those lessons and stories." My daughter had the most exposure with both because they helped me with her and my son's time with him was crucial. Those two together! Oh gosh, they get to popping each other in our car rides but Sevyn always gave Big Daddy a hug no matter what.
So here's to Lee C. Lacy, my Big Daddy: A father, husband, grandfather and friend.
Dedicated "Couleurs" to him since we always jam on M83 in the truck during our dog food and chicken feed runs to town.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Nice try Mr. Passionate, Snuggling Good Kisser guy but the KountrySoulGirl didn't buy it.
Hey everyone! My friend DDR of BWWOB posted this yesterday.
Hilarious and sooooooo true!!!
This week, loveable # 9 was deleted from the phone and memory bank, Read up:
Mr. I'm Very Passionate, Love Snuggling And I'm A Good Kisser!
Umm yeah, that's the one! HA! Going back into dating in almost two years, vetting is great and good for yourself! First, he lied about being 42. He's 50! Second, when I asked him about his last relationship/marriage, he went in circles and didn't explain shit. He even went on about his ex-wife posting younger pictures of herself in Fakebook. <---This conversation took place in the face to face meet up and not on the phone.
Okay, he wanted to meet me, we did in public. That's where the conversation as I said above came out. He wasn't a bad looking guy but there was some shady ish.
- He only dates 18-35 years old women
Guys who do this have problems and need help.
- Starts to ask bold questions about sex/good kisser/loves hugs
- Explains his "honesty" is a bit too honest.
You've contacted me on Match couple days ago. I waited for four days to respond back only to see that even though you're fifty years old, you still think you're a "playa." And the worst thing I do hate: Is an old ass dude still in "playa" status. Or any guy!! Doesn't matter in what profession, dress well and takes care of himself, you still a player!
Ladies, when meeting a new guy view them as an applicant for a job. Don't forget during the interview, they have to put their BEST foot forward to impress YOU! Do you know how many times, employers hired a crappy person for the job? And you're wondering "Why in the hell did they get hired?" Notice when you do not want to associate yourself with them but you have to put up with them because they are your employee? Nobody didn't say you have to talk to them or become their friend. Be pretty shrewd in your vetting. Who wants to hear a bad boyfriend story? over and over? I don't and I'm decent enough not to share one with you. I did, done it and gotten the t-shirt. Move on!
To break it down. he's a chump looking for sex in his Member's only jacket. Though, his shirt was nice because he's a professional. Maybe it was a Polo jacket but I don't care! As I checked back on my online profile, he deleted me as a favorite. Corny dude! Who does that? Oh someone that's not right upstairs. Odd, he asked me if I was in a mental institution because of me smiling alot and laughing at his dry sense of humor jokes. Like over and over..... which annoyed me. I don't think a school district hires employees that have a history of mental illness in their schools. They do background checks. Duh! My time is too precious to worry about what went "wrong" which I view it as "Ah, so glad I didn't waste my time."
But I did have a lovely day, registering for classes EXCITED, bought this cute dress from Maurice, got my pedi and mani and ate some good ol hot wings from Wing Stop. I know the customers thought I was crazy eating those things. I haven't had Wing Stop wings in years since I was married, living in a bigger town.
Peach Sprite is tha shhhhhh... OMG, Nehi Peach have straight competition from Coca Cola. Never in my life, that another soda would never come close to Nehi Peach. For those whom haven't lived or stayed in the South, Nehi Peach rocks! I'm terrified of this wonderful discovery, how in the hell Coke did this?? And I hate Sprite! Totally abhor the taste. Since my minor is Marketing, dang you COCA COLLLAAA!!! This company is pure genius and I wouldn't mind working for them in the future. Next weekend, the kids and I are eating out at Wing Stop, sipping on Peach Sprite.
Everyone have fun this weekend, eat up and be merry! And if your date starts acting a fool, leave and never look back. I don't let "errors" stop me from enjoying life.
Love & Blessings.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
KountrySoulGirl haven't lost her touch & Congrats to Mellody and George.
Hey Hey Hey!!
Despite the last post, I had a nice time Saturday night with the guy I flirted. Yes, the young one? Hahahhaha. We hung out, bowling and a movie. Supa crazy! It was interesting and different but very glad to bring in this year with hanging out with someone that I like.
I guess you can say my dating life is starting up!
How did it happen? Somewhere I was working my butt off, he took the liberty of putting his number in my phone because I told him this was my last real day and wouldn't see me as often maybe one or twice a month. I brought my daughter to work that day so she can see all the retail action. She was trying to get my attention but I was too busy. And she watched him like a hawk during my time She's my protector and when it comes down to mom and some guy liking her, you better watch out!
SMOKIN' HOT for Saturday nite!!! |
This past week, I said "What the hell, go for it!" and asked him casually if wanna hang out. First, its a hang out not a date. Two, what's not a better way to bring great things into the new year? I didn't realize I was that ready to venture out, maybe that lil "episode" did the trick. We bowled, he beat me, grrr but still I had fun. Had a problem with how the bowling alley operated their gaming system. The guy misunderstood that we wanted to play two games, not one game for me and the other for him. I notice he didn't feel like arguing with him so he's took charge and said "Let's do something else." Went to see Parental Guidance, nice movie with Bette Midler and Billy Crystal. Pretty funny and enjoyable. Then off to Mickey D'sss...LOL.. You probably wondering, McDonalds?? Umm yeah, this is a hang out not a date. The difference is that I was casually dress and wanted to have fun without being overly dressed = relaxed. A date consist of dressing up, getting at a place that isn't frequent by just "anybody" and the two of you really getting to know each other without interruptions unless you're the waiter. He had on cowboy boots, which was a surprise very different from his professional work attire of; slacks and dress shirt. I kept it sessy (sexy) and classy, me being fourteen years older than him. I still got it! Just because of the age difference does not mean I want to scold him or correct him. I let him be taking directions of the hang out. Duh!! He's a guy!! Doesn't matter if the guy is 20 or 47, I'm still a lady.
Yes, he did lack a couple of things like manners ( Don't tell me you had to hold your gas, that's nice. There are other ways to relieve it) but you know what? I still have fun. Even if he doesn't call me back, I have crazy, fun memory of going out with a twenty year old. Dating, hanging out, meeting new people is fun, not to be serious unless you want to get serious with that person of careful vetting.
Gosh, he has the most beautiful blue eyes that you can fall deep for and he knows it too! Sly Devil!
I had to work this morning at the school. Met a new teacher, greeted most of my usual co-workers. Two of them had a dream about me. Okay??? Got two hugs from my crazy favorite buddies, the ag teacher and a coach whose the jack of all trades. Got compliments on my hair, cool beans. Went home for my lunch break and to bring my daughter back to work, she had band practice. I flipped on my Fakebook and seen that the ex-husband has "cracked a joke" on me. With my sister!! Couldn't believe that my sister let him spew his jealous venom about me and my "teenage boyfriend." That bothered me because I couldn't believe that my sister did nothing to tell him to be quiet and defend me. If someone said the same thing about her with a new guy and her ex-boyfriend was spewing to me about it, he will get a mouthful! In the essence of the comment was about me buying Proactiv for my "teenage boyfriend's" acne. Now isn't that jealousy or what? People we''ve been divorced since last year and not together since October 2010. It's 2013 and this joker wants to pull "wolf tickets" out on me. That's not going to get me down!! And the guy isn't my boyfriend, this is how a dumbass with ugly intentions of hurting a person will ASSume anything.
This is why I want you black women to turn yo ass to the wind at these chumps and keep moving!!! I don't care if you fart in their general direction!!! LMAO!!! Don't let these guys get in the way of your dating life! They do not want better for you and will keep it for you not to be happy. If you let them.....
A prime example of a jealous DBR man who still want to keep his evil claws in me but DO NOT have the power. So being powerless, he takes it upon himself to "try" his power which is my sister on Fakebook. Pretty much he outted himself as a jealous jerk that's stupid enough to put it on a social media. Which he knew that I would see, call him and cuss him out. I wouldn't give that fool the satisfaction. Ya'll wondering why he's being like that because the guy I went out with is: white, younger than me and found me attractive getting to know me. Kinda sad? Not really, because the ex husband's last girlfriend is white. Confusing? Yes, that is! Does it make sense? No. Why? Because I'm not suppose to date "white" men even though, I've been swirling for a long assed time before I married him.
And you sent me lovely dovey text messages to see if I was going to "come back" to you? Pffftttttt...
I didn't know this young lad threaten his so called "manhood" that much where he REACHES into the wild yonder wanting back the woman that he'll ever truly loved (cue in the sad violin music.)
Divorce was and STILL the best thing and couldn't be much happier living my life to the fullest!
Speaking on couples, Congratulations to Mellody Hobson and George Lucas getting engaged!
Love it, Love it, Love it! Oh yeah the stupid comments of him being fat and old blah blah blah. So???
He created Star Wars!! THE END! She runs a billion dollar company, handles many companies finances and MAKES THEM MONEY, financial correspondent for GMA and beautiful. THE END!
But Kim and Kayne suppose to be wonderful? Because she's expecting? How messed up people look at them as being great, as the attention whores they are, Kim with NO skills whatsoever, oops gold digger skills, sex tape and her mother pimping her and Kayne, raps.
Didn't he make a song about black women being gold diggers and he's with one? And pregnant? The idiot contradicted himself. I don't see this puke couple getting married anytime soon. I feel for this child to come into the world with these horrible people. Child protective service should step in. I don't care about them having money and in the public eye, these people are not emotional stable to care for a child. Finances, yes but emotional stability? Hell naw! I don't care if you call me a hater but when I see bullshit, Imma call on it. And I don't apologize for what I said because I meant it !!!<--real country talk there.
I swear our American culture celebrates, losers, skeezers, idiots, morons and skanks. Ha, if you're educated, smart and made something out of yourself, putting effort, time and dollars to help others then you're a loser and boring.
Also a Happy Birthday to DDR of BWWOB!!! And I will "pin" that internet dollar on your shirt!
Well I'm heading to bed, I want everyone to have a wonderful weekend and the rest of the year. If you haven't made that great start, I suggest you do. Ain't on that YOLO shit either<---friggin stupid! But time doesn't stand still for anyone, life is too short and tomorrow isn't promised to ya. Despite what a crummy day you're having make the rest of the best.
And this dang blogger image insert will not let me upload more pictures on here...grrrrrr.
Love & Blessings!
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
What a great start for 2013, or is it?
I hope everyone had a great start in 2013, well I didn't. Mine went about with uncontrollable crying, anger and anxiety. Rewind three days later.............
I had a wonderful day at work Saturday. Pretty boring at the store but did some dressing on the wall mannequins, flirt with home biscuit (remember I'm flirty not trying to go out with him), laughing and going about with my coworkers, the typical day. When going out to lunch with "Eye Candy" hahaha, Lucifer, oops I meant Sevyn's dad called letting me know that he was going to drop off my son at the store. After work, Eye Candy chatted with me of course I let him know that my ex-husband was dropping off my son. Not saying he's gonna do some dumbass stuff but letting him know that he's pretty dang weird about me swirling (not that's a secret) and he doesn't know if he's my boyfriend or coworker (trust me, I wouldn't have a current boyfriend hanging around for a child drop off.) Nothing to think of right? Not for him! The cougar jokes flew like crazy, that's why I turned off my phone in that second of leaving the parking lot. Somehow his presence and giving me a cordial half hug to keep the peace for my son, set off a traumatic episode. Sunday morning, I wasn't feeling the best of moods and getting irritated at the slightest silliest thing. I went on to sleep for almost the whole day. Monday morning came, still irritated but getting angry and wishing death on my ex-husband. I'm not mean but this wasn't my "typical" thinking patterns. I had to take a breather and went out for a while with the kids for shopping and enjoying each other on New Years Eve. In the grocery, my kids as always kid and joke around, this time it wasn't funny nor amusing. I even try to have fun but the mood never shook out of me. I went home feeling empty, lost and hopeless. I've never felt so alone even though I had a conversation with my coworker about meeting up, due to the rain and slick roads and me having a drink, too dangerous. I rather have safety than trying to do something in the rain with the drunk drivers on New Years Eve night. After watching a bunch of movies, posting some M83 videos on Fakebook, I tried my best to get to sleep. Tears rolled down my face, feeling all kinds of gale force emotions and they wasn't good either. Me being a typical Pisces, we love to live in dream world, all of 2012, been living in reality so far, not bad. Of course, intense moments where I have to deal with situations without falling apart or running away. But I learn to conquer them, one step at a time. New Years Day, my brain hurt, my mind was in a constant battle with good and evil. I cooked breakfast and let my daughter take over. A simple task was too daunting for me to do. I drank two cups of coffee, my appetite; non-existent, everything irritated me, couldn't take it any longer. Viewed Prometheus and The Dark Knight Rises, couldn't watch them with the best intentions. The sun isn't out, last time was Saturday evening when I told it good bye before dusk settled in. My desire to call anyone is beyond my comprehension. It's like I crawled into the void and never to return again. I took a hot bath, dressed and went to bed. Falling in and out of stasis of sleep, I felt the bad emotions lurking around trying to find dark corners to slip, remain hidden until the time comes when my happiness is at a high alert. Finally I fully woke up, rested but still wondering about myself. I called my father in the room. That shocked the hell out of him! LOL. I told him about what was going on and he said " That's why we left you alone to rest, we knew you didn't feel good." That change of me telling him what was going on was the first mark of me changing. I'm usually good at hiding my feelings but this wasn't the time, its serious. I do have my coping bouts with depression and on meds. But this episode was far more different that the couple of hours of dealing with a mood swing from time to time. Looking up depression and what more coping skills that I can use when dealing with this, something stopped me.
Post-traumatic stress disorder can develop following a traumatic event that threatens your safety or make you feel helpless.
Oh boy! :/
My beautiful brain started to connect the dots after this extensive overload of this traumatic episode. It's because I seen my ex-husband and gave him a half hug, my brain started to panic. I notice how slightly drain my body when exchanging my son into his care, speaking to him on the phone or in person. Because of the domestic abuse that endured during the marriage and having a nervous breakdown, my body & mind targets him as the prime directive of my mental state. I strive for a healthier mental state and since 2012 its gotten better than I expected but this episode, gotten the best of me and need to seek out to my physician & counselor about this. I wouldn't self diagnose myself with PTSD but 9 out 10 of these symptoms do exist. That's why people that are in toxic situation have the choice to leave to be free or stay and endure the constant pain and mental anguish. Nobody doesn't have power over you when you make them your master but this is a different animal and I have to tame it. PTSD is associated with war veterans like my grandfather who witness and fought in the Korean War, rape survivors, anything that involves a traumatic experience. Mine seem to have caught up with me stemming from childhood and with the physical, emotional and mental abuse of my marriage put the final nail in the coffin so to speak.
I started writing in my journal book purchased past summer and my last entry was June. That's a long time!! January 1st is the first entry since then. Not cool to start the new year with a pang of sadness, I'll live and do everything possible to cope and manage this. I'll try to document my emotions in my journal as best as I could. Feeling a bit better, I ate something and played with the children. Only six days before starting back work, I'm gonna miss having all this free time. At least I seen some movies, enjoyed the holiday without thinking about sad memories of my mother, spent time with my daughter more..gosh she's growing up! Five years, she'll out of the house attending college or going to massage school. Massage school is going to be her first priority to start and later down the road, flourishing into a career of her choosing. She needs a good moral support team behind her and mom will always be there to cheer her on. My daughter understand what's going on because I told her. She have the right to know and the ability to process mother's mood swings. I told her I have to live with this for the rest of my life and I have the power to control it. There's no stopping me now! :)
If any of you guys or yourself wrestle with depression, PTSD or any mental illness please seek the help! Don't be ashamed of it. I'm not, if I was I wouldn't share this with you. I couldn't work on projects these past days because of this. But I did see Django Unchained and The Hobbit. LOL...Good movies, waaayyy different spectrum of film genre and quite satisfied with paying my $8.00.
Having this unsavory discovery, has me striving for a better mental health for myself in 2013.
But I will leave you with this:
I ended my New Year's night with M83 "Steve McQueen."
and this:
I love Gene Wilder as Wonka but this right here POW! I couldn't do more than agree and laugh at the same time. And I'm quite terrifed of guns and raised around them since being on a farm.
Make 2013 as joyous and happy that you can make it without any mofo raining on your parade.
Love & Blessings!
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