"That just my baby daddy!" GRRRRR.. I hate that song with a passion. Who ever wrote it for that stupid artist must need a lobotomy because it's dumb as heck.
Since that ratchet song back in the late 90's early 2000, "Baby Daddy/Momma" have been coined as the newest phrase used in terms of your children's father or mother. I hate pop culture to the fullest and have been dumbing down people since then. Reminds me of this gem of a movie "Idocracy" with Maya Rudolph and Luke Wilson. What happened to saying "ex-husband/wife, boyfriend/girlfriend" or "my son or daughter's father/mother?" IDIOTTTTSSS!!!
Me, personally I refer my children's father as my daughter's name FATHER and my son name FATHER! Was that hard? No! Why ? Because I'm in the league of extraordinary intelligence called a BRAIN. My brain and I work very hard to make me, an complete fully functioning human being. Being human with a brain have its advantages: like speaking in complete sentences, making judgement on my decision, reflecting my personality to the world and finally writing this blog for you to read and understand. It's because I paid attention in school. I wasn't an A&B student but an average student, I made plenty of C's in during school and college but shoot, when speaking in an illiterate manner and using "baby daddy" you have lost your argument and my sympathy. Even a person with little education and plenty of common sense will use their brain to function as a normal human being.
Not too long ago at work, we had a manager who was married to my cousin, she kept saying "my baby daddy" (she's ww) over 10 times. At the 3rd BD, I lost interest and made fun of her in my head. My head said "Omigosh, this tard is using BD over and over, how come she couldn't say my child's father?' So my other coworker Makenz, talked about it and laughed at her for using it over and over. Why? Because she sounded stupid. I don't like stupid people just like Forrest said "Stupid is as stupid does." So when you're bitching about your BD or BM did repeating it over and over and over, save that ish for someone else that will give a care. Because I don't.
So I give you this note: When you use BM or BD referring to the other parental unit, you deserve to be in BD & BM HELL for the rest of your damn life!
I don't have that hell because I don't refer my ex-husband as that. He's not the best but I'm damn sure not going to stoop down to stupidity!! My lovely rant. On a lighter note,
The Walking Dead Season 3 10/14/2012
She ain't playing around with her katana! |
No, not a plug (sorta) but if you're not into a zombie apocalypse that's cool, if so yes I do love TWD!!!
Not a bad start and I hate one of the coolest character's got bitten last night. But what intrigued me is the bw with the katana, her name is Michonne. SUPA SWWEEETTTTT!!! And carries TWO zombies with no jaws and limbs like dogs on chains *no kissy- kissy, grabby-grabby from these handsome guys*, dayumm, nice thinking! After watching with my grandmother, she doesn't like gore but she strangely tuned in with me, a random thought struck. She have dreads, athletic & stealthy and carries a katana. And I said "hmmm black women in a zombie apocalypse? interesting??" Which lead to this:
The Black Women's Guide when in a zombie apocalypse:
1. There are no RELAXERS & WEAVES in a ZA! Sorry ladies but your making sure your hair is nice doesn't equal survival. If your stylist happens to be the walking dead, sorry boo boo, she can't tighten up your lace front. Natural hair is the thing. twa, puffed fros, shaved heads and dreads are. You can't go fighting zombies, patting your new growth and searching for a relaxer at the shabby use to be Korean hair store. If you do consider yourself bitten and one of the undead, with a nice head of hair.
* I will shoot you cold and throw a pack of Remy hair in your dismissal as a "I told you so."
2. Referring to number 1, ummm no running water. No power, no water, can't wash that crap out. Your concerned: is a bath * yeah right* , food& medicine, if your lucky, finding a shelter, living people (VET THEM!!) and not run into those gross suckers on your merry path. But if your feeling pretty,deciding to slap the creamy crack because "your kitchen is bb'd" finding a clear running stream to wash it out alone, Again, zombies do move like ninjas which goes into..
3. You must be in shape. Lots of running and maneuvering. If you haven't exercised since high school, I suggest burpies and sprints. Remember slo mo running equals attack. Oh by the way, if you have made fun of those white girls that fallen a lot in horror movies. Think again, you gonna do the same thing too & get yo azz ate up. That follows..
4. Know a DAMN weapon of choice! In the first season of TWD, I notice the older bw didn't have a gun, knife, stick something but she can run tho! Running is fine but having protection is better. Goes back to #3, if you fall, you'll have a weapon to fight off, getting back into Flo Jo mode!!! I don't care if you weld a hybrid-chain glock with a pick axe on the end, USE IT! You're fighting zombies! When Grace Jones was in Conan the Destroyer, she had a 'stick' hahahha its called a staff. But she kicked ass with it. Hammer some nails, shard glass, an arrow on the staff. If you're too scared to use a gun or my preference a samurai sword, sais or katana, be useful in a group like cooking, cleaning, rounding up supplies, if not then considered yourself bitten and the walking dead.
5. Finally, have sense enough to SURVIVE!! If you have lived in the hood, blackistan whatever hell hole, you've survived and living the awesome good life until this cluster fuckery of craziness happened *damn you virus!* those skills need to kick in FAST! As a country person, we are taught survival skills, so no biggie to us. Amazingly, when shit hits the fan, humans have a flight or fight response. So kick all the living dead ass you want or run away but still kick ass at the same time.
Remember; natural hair is your friend, keep that heart rate up and pumping, choose a weapon of choice and survive! The rule of thumb for a Black Woman's Guide to Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse. Feel free to add anymore on the list!
Before |
Voila! After |
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