Monday, October 22, 2012

Changes for 2013, Sometimes you gotta cut the extra out

I have decided to let go of my other job, retail sales due to me going  back  to a actual classroom setting which I  have to drive about 45 minutes from home. Another thing, my children are kinda lagging  behind in their school work. I don't  like  to  see  my children's  grades & performance suffer. I do work at their school in the afternoons. I get the scoop on their performance and what I can do as their parent to help them excel. I  was going to leave around April, making a year at the store but whatever! I'm leaving after Christmas break, working those holidays, getting that $$ and kick rocks!

I will miss the extra money but my children come first. Money comes and goes but your children are your most precious assets. I take an hour off lunch during the evenings to go over making sure my  son doesn't do a upside  down "e."  He's going to need  all  the practice. But the teen daughter, sigh....... that's another story.
What can I use to motivate  my 13 year old daughter to read? write in complete sentences? study for her test? Do she think that being mediocre is going to work for her in life?  Yeah but its mediocre. This is her last  year  in middle school, damn I'm relieved. High school is coming but if she doesn't get in gear to prepare herself for HS, she's gonna get surprised, everyday.  I guess she thinks I'm telling a lie or something.

Sometimes you have to stop and think  about how much stress, what is lacking or what needs to be improved/dropped.  Mine is due to stress of weekends of wanting to spend more time with my kids, doing most of my  hobbies, taking good ol  naps and enjoying family well deserved family time. I notice that a lack of (me) which I need to (improve) on helping my children and (dropping)  my second job to cut a tremendous  percent of stress.

My oldest have extra curricular activities on  weekends. I want  her to do well but she's going through this "I don't give a damn" mode. This morning she told me that she going to  cut out a lot of activities because she  can't handle them.  "No"  I said. Why?  She doesn't put in the effort, time and quality into them. No drive, whatsoever.

Children don't hear but do and  the reality that I actually do have the drive to go to work, school and what I put forth in something. I even had a migraine but took my aspirin and went on to work after dropping her off  after her volleyball game. She knew I had one but doesn't compute to a teenager that mom have a migraine, popped some pain reliever and went back work to support her family.  Dang, teenage girls I forgot what's it like, I  think I went to sleep from 13-18. Oh yeah I was a sour puss but more of a smart ass. My daughter is more sour puss and doesn't exercise her smart assness, more like dumb ass *no she's not dumb but good grief, girl use your brain!* And believe me, when she use that muscle called a brain, she's wise, I say she more to my speed.

Anyways, my migraine is gone, listening to M83 and getting ready for bed. To sum this up, enjoying your life, you have to cut some things out that's going to endanger your health, and miss out on your children's quality family moments.  Though I am a single parent, my income is going to drop a bit but that's okay, I'm actually glad to make this decision. I am  a Fashion Merchandising major  and yes working in retail is part of my experience but I can always apply for internship anywhere in the world. Plus people in  the town I reside have bad fashion taste! :)

I'll leave you guys with Linkin Park.. LP music have evolved and yes I'm going to buy them.  Trust me, I know good music.

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