Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Spring please hurry up!

My book got to be a bit boring and at work so I started looking up random things in the search engine and came across this.


1000 Things We Hate touch on many many irksome things in our daily lives where we say "Oh shit really? *facepalm* So in the honors of 1000 TWH I came up my version and one of my biggest pet peeves of RIGHT NOW.

Ladies and Gentlemen introducing:
Minnetoka 3 Tier boots

Coming from an area that is 10 million years late in fashion and pretty much everything else--I can be objective because I live here!  These ugly boots hit the fashion scene HARD! Ranging from teens, stay at home moms college age young women even GRANDMOTHERS Minnetoka is die-hard for your winter boot needs.  Countless times the boots are worn with everything under the sun from a sorority shirt to busted up ass jeans with bling.  Everyday seeing the swishing of brown black and gray boots "The Colors of the Wind" is going through my head. One day started singing out loud to mall patrons who don these hideous pieces of shit. It feels like every woman owning a pair is condoning mass incest and loving it.
 And I do expect a hummingbird and a raccoon to follow behind them.

Is your boyfriend/husband name John Smith?
By any chance a talking tree in the forest is your grandmother name of Willow?
Will you leave your people to explore another New World called England?
Or maybe your new best friends happen to have "Lewis" and "Clark" as middle last and/or first names?--Had to throw the in but still in the same vein.
Perhaps dreams of you running full force jumping off a cliff into a beautiful waterfall 50 feet below and come out singing and ALIVE?

Going out of a drink the other night at a popular dive bar, a 20 something young lady showed up. But check this shit out she had on a PONCHO. A damn PONCHO!   The chick with the stripped shirt, jeans and white open toe shoes looked wwaayyy better even though she's off mark herself.  I wasn't dressed to the nines myself but the trench coat and my boots with my pink beanie came off as vogue within this crowd.  I gave the haphazard fashion victim a friendly smile thus she glared at me.  Girl,you are boring with that  homeless hobo look just be glad someone felt sorry for you and smile rather look at you stank. LOL.  Take a look at the image on the right and the image on top does that add up?  In those 30 minutes of sipping I could not hold it in of --laughter and jet the hell out of there. I have seen better fashion with ladies who can pull it off with thigh-high boots.

Sorry to break it to you gals but certain pepz can rock Minnetoka's with a bohemian vintage vibe.  Just don't do it in East Texas. We already have the lowest I.Q in fashion sense please don't make it worse that it's already have.  I truly feel sorry for the children whose moms and grandmothers wear..you guessed it Minnetoka boots!! Remind you and not really too much revealing my age but ponchos was worn back in the early mid-90's. Jerri from Stranger With Candy looks impressively hotter and put together. And that is sad.

On a positive note; I do thank you from the bottom of my heart in not spending a dime on these because once upon a time exactly three years ago the boots WAS cute. Like I said Three damn years ago! Of course in the past and now present folks around here would have looked at me crazy (use to it) if purchasing and wearing them.  Now? Boring and needs to be filed under " The misuse of Minnetoka boots in a crazy way" next to "When Uggs are worn with shorts in 90 degree weather."

Ashy Larry agrees too.

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