Hey everyone Kountry Soul Girl here!
I came across an article last night
Oh Lawrddd have mercy!!
I can totally understand the frustration of being a woman of color in the US with dating..
Put yourself OUT THERE for those to notice!
Henceforth I have darn clue why the author of this article feels like that. Don't get me wrong how the article is well written but the
- Stop being so brooding and pessimistic.
- Get out there in the game.
- Find many meet ups, join online dating sites and face to face outings where MEN ARE ROAMING!
- Start smiling
- Be perky
- Change friendships (if some are negative) and find supporting friends that are loving and helpful.
- VET all men
- All you need is one guy
- Stop focusing on one area and explore other areas where MEN are. Your city is not the only one standing with a % of guys; its a WORLD of men out there.
- And for the sake of George Thurgood and the Destroyers stop reading "scientific" data and research about the American black woman being the "least desirable and less likely to marry" bullshit! I had two guys in my past that wanted to me in their life and marry before marrying the ex-husband.
Hmmm the question remains with black American women: Why do you put yourself in that predicament position when dating? Why the gloom and doom? Not to brag but thank goodness I had women (mother & grandmothers) to teach me to embrace my femininity and a desirable woman. Nothing wrong with being smart, educated, self-reliant and strong but take up some coaching, learn to love yourself more and think about what can you offer in being a feminine mysterious woman like no other.
Most of you will not get it, the others are leaving yo butt in the dust!
I live in the South, the rural area of Texas the butt crack of the Bible Belt so to speak but I do date various men and living my life as a non-conformist eccentric black woman. After my divorce I also too felt gloomy and pessimistic about re-entering the dating game (gladly snapping out tha ish quick!) but took the time to heal and get back out there. Baby steps and now I'm a pro at it. If he does not call or ask for a second date, no worries! Not going to boo- hoo and drip snot in a carton of ice-cream talking to myself "why the date go wrong and what's wrong with me." get over it and hit play again!
Knowing I've have poked fun at online dating profiles and out of touch men for sh*t and giggles in past postings but do keep myself showered in mystery and having so much FUN & DATING face to face with guys of the good variety!
REPEAT: Dating is a numbers game. Fill you life with variety of activities and hobbies, broaden your mind UP in every ethnicity of men. I laugh at these women crying about "there no good men and men are dogs" but I say:
What universe do you live in?
Stop throwing pity parties for yourself black women.
Looks extremely dumb and nobody cares.
Brie and gouda are excellent cheeses for your whine. Here's some fresh cut apples too.
I don't see white, latina, asian, african women doing this ever..
And for the black women here in the US that are married/dating quality men from different cultures and got the memo years/decades ago:
Well said!