Friday, September 12, 2014

Classes are good!!!

Excited as a lark when classes started Monday.

The excitement on campus....

The new freshmen going to correct classrooms and buildings and taste of college life.....

ALSO, how much student registration rise this past year!!!

Before that, my future going back in the Fall was in question because of taking Summer classes and stuck with a nice bill afterwards..

Great to start Fall but dern (sounding like my Dad) the parking!!!


In hindsight, appreciate each and everyone who understood and believe in me about how serious I am about education. As I continue, graduate and start on my career the gesture is returned back to those who face those challenges in life. Pay it forward as I say!

And passing the same morals and principals to my children as well.

Thank You cards are sent and two more to go!

Now this weather need to change, I love the sunny days but shooot, Mr. Sun you're getting a bit too happy with Ms. Earth. Waiting for the leaves to turn colors (not burnt) and cooler weather.

And my favorite holiday of all time coming around the bend:

October is the BEST here in these parts..More stars to look (Astronomy class this semester), candy, costumes, creativity and geez it's Halloween!!!

Rice situation:

My friends I do not condone domestic violence from a man nor a woman. From all the hoopla it boils down that people care about NFL stats and the $$$ mostly $$$!!!
What I've have notice is the trend of black women who go through domestic violence, suffer from battered woman's syndrome which leaves her in a painful silence. Yes Mrs. Rice apologize for her action (battered woman's syndrome) but really if she stays to endure mostly likely end up in the ICU or DEAD!  What's disturbing is the "meh"  attitude about domestic violence and black women. Really?
Since we get bad rep from media, press and the average citizen we are not entirely viewed as "women."
But the Help was soo good!
You ladies got sass!
Real Housewives from ATL is my show!!

Don't you love how some shitty people put ALL black women in this BOX?

What's your pleasure sir?

Black women in USA go through a myriad of craziness facing sexism, misogyny and racism. It's sad to say we have it much harder but we push through to make our lives better though out the bullshit. I'm glad I have my Dad to back me up.. Don't think just because I'm in my late 30's that my Dad will drive and call to check up. Let something happen he'll comes in a blaze of glory like John McClane on Die Hard because he WILL.

As I say to black women, is your man's job worth your life? I don't care if he's making 60k a year or over 2Mil he still going to have a job but YOU will suffer in silence.
Standing by your man while he loves to take good ol' punches to your noggin is a bit ragged and need to be laid to rest.
Do not be afraid to put him in jail!!! He violated & threaten your life, sheesh!
You need to value your life and worth as a woman.
For the love of unicorns and sunshine quit coddling and protecting these assholes!!

Putting your hands on someone you suppose to love is not LOVE, called control.  People who suffer from mental illness and being the aggressor in any relationship where its your family, child or a significant other does not mean they will love you back.. Only fear, resentment, pain and suffering is what you're doing to them. These sociopath narcissistic ego lovin control feral monsters no matter what religion, creed, ethnicity, income status and age who inflict pain on others are not stable individuals at all!

And for those who are in domestic violent relationships PLEASE RUN I don't care if you have the clothes on your back, 10 cents in your pocket and kids on your each hip, back, leg whatever, ladies there is HELP.
For the men who are being abused by women in toxic relationships LEAVE pronto also!! I have a buddy who was in a toxic relationship where his abuser an ex girlfriend AND HE RAN AS FAST AS HE COULD; now married to an amazing woman.  You're not a punk or a sissy as "so called" society labels you but a true up standing guy admitting to domestic violence from a woman, never laying a hand on her and walking away from it forever.

When getting out of that toxic relationship get into therapy FAST and heal. Establish healthy boundaries and love thy self too. Incorporate a good emotional support system anything that is positive will help you overcome.

And do not jump into another relationship quickly with another person 9 times out of 10 you will be in the same dysfunctional cycle, take the time to have a relationship with yourself & find true happiness within. I hope this helps and hopefully that person whoever you are reading will find the courage and leave for good.

Peace & Blessings!

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