The meaning March Madness do NOT PLAY!
Mid-term exams
WORK...WORK ..gosh do I have to go in this evening to WORK?
Laundry, kids, homework, English papers, bills, bills, car messing up.
Talk about not giving a sista a break...Or did I?
Kicking off my birthday and Spring Break, visited the beautiful, romantic and nice city of:
That's right, KountrySoulGirl spent four wonderful days in the City. Omigosh, how do I start?
The wonderful hostel Adelaide is perfect for ALL walking trips to Union Square, Chinatown, Nob Hill and so on.. Now I thought my country ass was prepared for this walking (since I walk fast) hell naw! Those fuckin hills!! Glad my ass is in good shape and petite cuz to be honest wouldn't made it if I ate consistently the Southern delicacy of FRIED EVERYTHING! I was so impressed with the clean city but all places have a darkside...
TENDERFUCKINLOIN DISTRICT or should I say District 9!! LMAO!!
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Okay, not particularly but I did see alot of scary prawns bums. |
Lil brave thing that I am walked through the district and guess what? Not too bad during the day but another story at night. But the best thing about it is a small neighborhood called Little Saigon and the friggin wonderful thing about visiting this particular district?
This place:
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BAM! |
Big time Pho fan for a year and Pho in Texas is great but this shit right here cuz, YO like A-MAZIN', MAD BANG hahaha you get the picture. Meat so tender, started crying at the table, eyes got so big looking at the hot, steaming bowl couldn't finish it. So use to seeing people using forks back home because nobody didn't take the time to use chopsticks and/or intimated. And yes we have the typical pretentious asshats who are showing off their "chopstick skills." But here? Blown away! Made me look sub-par and everyone elegant and second nature.
ffuuucckkkk as I muttered under my breath. Hope to Baby Jesus one day a pretentious asshat from Texas get clown'd and schooled here because NOBODY doesn't play when giant bowl of Pho at TT. I bet they get all stupid asking for "where's the bean sprouts?" Baby, this DISH RIGHT HERE doesn't need sprouts...that's how good it is.
Went crazy in Chinatown and Japantown. Daiso
I LOVE YOU, seriously
I LOVE THE HELL OUT OF YOU! The only place where I will spend
ALL my money. Two carts full of stuff for the kids, the house, my friend and myself. Of course I got something for dad and grandma, shoot can't forget them. Tragic news, lost my umbrella after class :( and guess? from Daiso.
After shopping for a bikini BAM! CHINATOWN! |
YESS!!! Sushi on a Boat. |
Feel the history of Chinatown, badassss!! |
Almost pissed on myself walking around the block and seeing Target on
THREE damn floors and Ross too!
This city is very beautiful and couldn't get enough time to explore but hit the main spots. Finally got to Haight-Ashbury (my home) lost for four hours but took in more sites and much walking.
Grand finale: seeing this scary movie shit happening right in front of my eyes.
RUNNN!!!! |
Living here in a small town of East Texas, we see fog in the early morning clears around 7 am, this mofo comes whenever it feels like it. At 1:38 p.m. fog wanna creep like a pimp with a smooth limp over the bridge onto Alcatraz. Temperature drops like a pimp slap with love...okay that's a very poor visual description but do get the idea that a jacket is a must when visiting. I think from seeing pimps during my trip Huggy Bear'd into the post.
And visited--actually stuck my head through the door, the oldest gay bar in San Francisco something that everyone should do. Friendly guys having drinks, so adorable and they said Hi to me (giggles) Despite my fun, seen the finest of the finest famous bums in SF. So when ya visiting there in the future, please do not and urge you DO NOT give them money. Seen the same two in four days off Geary St. with nice 3.00 cups jingling, one had a expensive sandwich and changed clothes. Not be harsh and do empathize but I've seen people during my stay hitting the streets before 7 am, hustling, cleaning their block and the OTHER blocks around them preparing haul off to recycle centers. Personally, sold candles and collected cans, metal and other stuff and on the country roads on Saturday mornings watching out for snakes and feral hogs. Took them to the recycling center and out of a job for almost a year! Just saying when you need money to survive, you'll do anything (legal legit hustle) during job hunting process. And ended up with a full-time and part-time job in 2012. There's no excuses...
Welp, my creativity flowed a bit, somehow the job I'm at is sucking my soul dry not to worry, think happy thoughts and do the job. This trip was well worth it, couldn't be happier and amazed at this little city bursting with diversity and culture. Lawd Jesus and the men! Good looking, nice and come up to you friendly and chat. Nooo silly not gay men, straight men!! Let me say it again, STRAIGHT MEN live in San Francisco. Dispelling the long time stereotype that only gay men parade around and live only in SF. I will tell you this: Gay men & women in large numbers live in MY area (GASP!!!) Oh the irony......
See you soon my new found place, don't worry KountrySoulGirl will be back :)
My reaction to "Red Wedding" don't wanna talk about.
RIP Robb Stark with your sexy beautiful self. |