Sunday, March 31, 2013

LOL-This is 40 and Happy Easter of late.

Ahhhh another Judd Apatow movie, This is 40 is pretty darn hilarious.  The spin-off of Peter and Debbie's life when introduced in the movie "Knocked Up."

Debbie is turning 40 and so is Peter a couple days after her.  Life seems crazy when trying things, changing and some deep issues in their marriage and family. <---That's kinda of a good synopsis opening

I bought it last night from Walmart and the Matrix trilogies. <--Yes, I know there's was some backlash with the storyline written by a bw and another guy who claims the Wachowski siblings have stole it. Gotta love Hollyweird for crap like that.  And btw, if you didn't know, Larry is now Lana. That's why they've changed to the Wachowski siblings instead of the usual W.brothers.

Anyhoos, let my son view the Matrix of course to a five year old seeing Neo being the "One" flipping in the air doing all sorts of things like the agents is mesmerizing. I still know ALL of the lines from that movie. This morning when I woke up, played This is 40 and laughed so loud it was pretty damn ridiculous.  The things  Debbie said that I defiantly would in a few years and now:

  1. She's not going to shop at Chico's, Clearwater Creek and Ann Taylor Loft and a bunch of places where the target consumers are over 40. There is a woman at work who is over 50 and she told me she will not be caught DEAD in Chico's. Don't blame her.
  2. She called a kid Tom Petty and a bad looking one at that when he called her daughter a B on her Facebook posts.  I called a kid "Wimpy" from Popeye, give him a plate of hamburgers, a small bolo hat and a suit. 
  3. She jumped on her husband for using Viagra on her early birthday shower sex. "I don't want turbo, I like your medium soft penis."
I remember the scene from Knocked Up when she found out that sex offenders are in her neighborhood and around the surrounding area. A year before the movie came out, I had a similar conversation about sex offenders in our neighborhood with the ex-husband. We lived in a nice area only thing was to worry was car wrecks at the intersection. Oh yeah good schools too. Gee, I miss that area!

One thing that I notice is a bunch of movies with black women, there is never one that I can see great writing and funny bits within a fact of life. No, I do not count Madea movies because...... ugh pain porn.  How come there isn't a movie about a attractive black mother with a cool husband that is going through the craziness of turning 40 like Debbie?  I can somehow relate to this character because in a couple years I will be that age, have a teen daughter and a grade school age son, like to run a boutique in a couple of years and pretty much her perfectionist attitude kill me. Only thing lacking; I don't have Paul Rudd as my husband. LOL.  My kids fight just like her real life daughters who play Leslie Mann's (Debbie) daughters in the movie.  Her daughter is very expressive and my daughter got all weird when she started her period too. Teenage girls, dammit!  

Hollywood, I'm asking where's the quality writing having a black woman character in a normal family setting? Where's the funny, crazy, lovable comedy without a ghetto hood reference? Oh, I're Hollywood. 
Tsk,Tsk and I digressed.

Easter was fine. Seen some family that's great and some I didn't want to see but okay, we just leave it like that. Time for bed and get this Unbox loaded on my computer. Missed Walking Dead and the last episode of the season. Heard so much and gotta play catch up!

Hmmmm, there should be a comedy about the Kountrysoulgirl, divorced, raising two kids, dating blunders and all kinds of jazz. A cute, perky romantic comedy with a lot of country & soul staring ME! lol

Peace & Blessings!

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