Monday, January 2, 2017



2017 is here and full of new-ness.

For starters, social media break.  Much needed, I have found my mental state need a organic reboot from all the technology.  Though am listening to music and watch a few selected shows but it wears the brain pretty thin.  The creative side is a little raggedy to the point where my joys are not being appreciated, my comforts are being compromised with rambling thoughts.

Do have a soon to be new hobby in the works :)
Hint: mouthgard and skates

Also the focus is on training for a 5k that attended last year.  Wassssss nooootttt reeeeaadddyyyy but had a fun time, right now?  Researching, planning and changing up the body for this.  This is not one of those "New Year's Resolutions" but an actual plan to tone up, amp the cardio and have loads of fun. Why not? wake up at 5:30 am everyday, wish I can leave work at 3 p.m.!

From the past post and what's been happening in the past week it's time for a wee bit of happiness.

Perfect is too constricting, energy draining with low end frustrating results.  Happy is accepting everything conditional and unconditional where looking back that the flaws, challenges, imperfections is rewarding with a laughter and smile. How many times did we laugh at something that was not going our way during life sitatuations?
Plenty this past week!  All I did was ask for positive vibes( THANK YOU kind sir ;) ) , ate a Swiss Roll and took a nap, hence everything went smooth.  Treated myself to some social gathering with buddies and just had a nice time.  The result end up happy accepting all what was presented because trusting myself knowing that water leak was going to be fixed.  Sure there was some a tiny self doubt because I let a certain person's self doubt influenced me when there wasn't a need to react.

For the sake of your spirit, energy and positive moods, deflect any negative minded person in your space!  Be assertive, firm and back away slowly or just RUN!  Majority I run to the nearest exit or make a Scooby-Doo Shaggy exit..LOL

The New Year was spent with family and the cows. I love our cows!!!!

Many blessing, peace, positive thoughts from me and the Universe.  Be kind, good, recharge, find new and exciting things to do, have fun, visit old hobbies, kick an old habit, find a better healthier habits without compromising your life and health, fall in love, be a better person, sibling, parent, a friend, land the kick ass job of your dreams, leave the crappy job to start fresh on new business endeavors.  Remember you are the captain of your life, nobody cannot stop you from making the life you've always wanted and the happiness that you seek in everyday life.

Will be back soon???? Until then

Love from my heart