Wednesday, July 20, 2016


Last post from May..geez lol

Due to my short absence, I have accepted a position at a very nice corporation that is every girl's dream selling makeup, skincare and everything under the sun.

We all love this store so much it's a mecca. My new postion....


Arch Expert for Benefit!!!

I love my pink 50's inspired apron, the fun in being the brow go to lady here in merry ol East Texas.
Benefit fits me to a T= Pink, fun, full of laughter and can I say fit the laid back vibe of the six pillars of Benefit.

Bold and girly--that's ME!

It's been an honor and a pleaure to be on the radio on our grand opening with an interview.  Dude, my name is spreading slowly but surely as one of the best in brows in the area.
I am great and passionate about brows but also skincare and makeup.  Funny thing, brows was never my jam in school and working in the beauty industry.  Somehow brow waxing, threading and grooming met up with me in a later life cycle and enjoy every minute of making women; beautiful inside and out.  And guys--you are included in the magic too!  Hey don't be shy about getting those caterpillars tamed, nothing wrong with a good cleanup and NO you're not a metrosexual for doing it either.  Male grooming is important but much simple and basic just like cleaning the dirt from your fingernails.  Don't worry, you're still a man to us women but taking care of the basics.

Other than that X-Men sucked...HAHHAHHAHAHHAHAA
But Fassbender tho.....
Hey Magneto...(wink)

Wanna get your supernatural, thriller fix?

Good show and love the 80's mood, acting and vibe in this Netflix series.
Such a BIG CHANGE FROM Orange is the New Black...
so through with that show; too depressing and can't have that messing with the chi energy.  I see why my Dad didn't speak about his position as a C.O.---you'll wouldn't spout about working at a prison either.

Well good people, take care and many adventures ahead

Peace and Blessings!