Thursday, December 20, 2012

Black Women With Other Brothers: Are you a Digital Mammy for Other Brothers?

Black Women With Other Brothers: Are you a Digital Mammy for Other Brothers?

Ladies, don't be the fool for any guy who doesn't wanna call or have a face to face meet up.  Earlier this year, I had about four of them and quickly, I stopped texting.  These guys are time wasters for YOU! As a divorce mother, dating have changed but the rules are still the same.  A man who is interested in YOU will go out of his way to meet you!

I'm steadying working all this week and next before Christmas so, keep your sock on because I got a special treat that I'm working on. :)

Have a great weekend!

Monday, December 10, 2012

Am I suppose to read a dating book to help me get back into the dating game?

Dating, is non-existent for me this year got me thinking about some things.  First, I'm not dating anyone at the moment. Nada, Zip, Zilch, Nothing. Two, I live in an area that doesn't have the "finest" crop of men.  And three, I don't have any of those friends that fix me up on a blind date.  I don't think my friends can ever fix me up on a blind date because of  my taste. Then to think about it, my friends should know me better, alas I need a crop of better friends, except Sissy. Sissy knows me like the back of her hand.  Seventeen years ago someone in high school was trying to pit me and her against each other to fight, they made the mistake of introducing us to a friendship throughout the years. So, ha ha *my Nelson voice*

Awww cute!!

Today someone in a IR chat room asked:
Books that guide you on how to date white men! Ladies, would you buy them? Why or why not?

My  responses to this:   need to have a book called "How to date properly, period!" 


  Inboxing you for advice to get a wbf/bff?? Umm its called being yourself. I didn't know there was a certain way to attract white men?? * scratch head*
Shit, I'm trying to attract nice normal men, not weirdos! lol the weirdos are getting less and less noticeable..

I guess because she's black and have a white boyfriend means she's the "The Guru" of the white men and that she's can give you advice to pick up the "perfect white guy." <---sarcasm.

Long ago at the age of 13, My first boyfriend, Terrence was the and first & last boyfriend in school until I had one in college. We didn't last very long, two weeks and received my first kiss *Awww*.
I like it and then hated it because it's a yucky boy but the inner girly girly, that I hid desperately was clawing out.  After a taste of having a boyfriend, ehhhhh it was okay until I notice that girls competing with each other vying for a guy's attention.  That looks like too much work.  So I went to "only crush" mode with unsuspecting boys that knew I existed but wasn't trying capture their attention. A tomboy with girly girly circumstances. Afraid of being beautiful because the cruelty of kids, I chose to hide in the shadows. Anyways, Terrence wasn't that cute, he wore glasses and a mullet, a smart ass and always had some corny joke to tell  which offended everybody. Lo and behold in some strange light one day, his ugly ass gotten handsome, the slow southern drawl became cute. His corny joke are laughable and his smart ass comments turned into intellectual quips.  I had bucked teeth, wore bigger clothing to hide my overdeveloped body and didn't smile; self-conscience about my looks I couldn't believe he liked me. Buck teeth Keeshia or nappy-headed buck teeth girl is what they called me in school. Kids can be cruel and about eight years ago I started to appreciate my beauty, inside and out.   Point is, he liked me for me and I couldn't believe it and the kicker: He is white. *pin drop: cue doomsday music*

The ruckus we caused at our lil country school!! GASP!

So for people who buy books on how to date interracial, In my opinion, you're wasting your time and money.  I didn't need one in 7th grade, just be yourself!  Heck, I want a book to teach people how to date properly and freakin' manners!! And please there's no manual in "How to Date a Black Woman." I  didn't know we require special training.... All  you do is come up to me and introduce yourself, tell corny joke(s) * I love humor*, buy a drink, general conversation and keep me interested. Is that hard?

Speaking of dating black women, Young Teach from Kentucky is a newbie swirler and here's his blog

I like his adventures, he's pretty darn funny!!  Good luck to him in the dating world! in the mist of my dating life or lack of, I became a work-a-holic. Oh there's your problem! You don't go out. Sure I do, I make time to date myself. Quite frankly, I'm a tired of looking at myself  LOL.  I can't continue to have conversations in my head, whip out my phone to Facebook lurk and pay for my meals. LOL.. And weirdos do flock to me. I have no idea. Completely clueless. I check myself to see if I'm in weirdo apparel, spray, hairstyle whatever.  No matter what, a weirdo appears.  I get the occasional run-in creepy guy, douchy douche and jerky jerk face.

And this one: the typical wwaayyy over the hill guy that is the same age as your dad. *I threw up in my mouth*

I  don't do the following:
Look familiar?

  • Men that are my uncles and dad's age; meaning over 50 years old.
  • Gold teeth
  • Still  married but wanna 'test' your playa skills on a young woman.
My nightmare happened one day with the combination of the three, unexpectedly looking for a car. I wanted to commit a slow suicide. Why on Earth these men think I want them? I don't. Age doesn't matter, yes it does to me! Okay, I'm gonna give you the rough and raw;  Prefer a guy that is five years younger to twelve years older than me. I'm not into "Whose your daddy" type psychological perverse mindset, that's called incest & daddy issues.  I have a dad, yes, I had  my up's and down's with him, its called life. Him and my grandparents raised me so if you try to 'be my daddy' and 're-raising me' I will gladly give you his name, address, phone number..Good luck, he'll meet you with a gun.  Is he crazy? Yes and no. 

Yes, I like to turn cartwheels, do back bends and walk on my hands, I expect you to do the same.  My kids have A LOT of ENERGY and so do I, not having the "Hold up, my knees are hurting" or "Can we stop and tell them to sit down and you do the same."  Told you, I have constant natural energy. You'll have to keep up with us, we can't stand in one spot too long.

 Hip/joint/ED<---depends on which issue(s) is not my problem. Viagra?? Cialis user?  I make fun of those commercials.  I'm  sorry if you're bitter about your 3rd ex-wife, adult kids mooching off of you and I'm not step-grandmother material either.

You can compliment me all you want, no problem with that but unwanted advances isn't my forte to respond back.  I do have a preference ya, know! So slow your roll Paw-Paw, cuz you creeping me out! 

Next year,will be better when I start to slow down, chucking extra, unnecessary things in my  life. Not in a rush but continue to improve  myself. Until then, I will look very sexy eating sushi with a beautiful smile on my face.  :)

Not a fan of Nikki Minaj but I do like this song, this goes out to the creeps & the victims they terrorize.  The Lonely Island amazes me.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Thoughts on Magic Mike & My bro visiting

My awesome brother is here from California visiting. Last night I heard a knock at the door, we ignored it because usually its the pesky weird neighbor down the street, as usual wanting nothing. My phone went off and seen the text: "Open up" WTH? So I went outside and there was my little brother talking to Dad. He's about 13 months younger than me but bigger. I'm the oldest but I look the youngest, my baby sister is bigger than me too, just say I'm the runt of the My father is pretty protective of his property so he went outside with his rifle.That's how the country folks to do it, we live in the woods takes the sheriff about twenty minute to arrive at the scene better to protect yourself than wait for the police.  I gave him a good ol big sister hug which I came up to his chest.  The first thing he notice, "Wow, your hair is wild, whose Wool now?" Wool was the nickname in high school, when he was too lazy to get a haircut.   I rolled my eyes at him and laughed. We talked last night, well mostly me (Chatty Cathy)-- I haven't seen him in two years. Love him to death but sometimes he can get on my nerves.
And when he gets on my nerves.....I  feel like I'm nine years old again, beating the crap out of him.  When we was younger, we fought like cat and dogs...naw forget that, we fought like grown ass men! LOL. The things we did to each other was terrible.  One story that's treasured from days on in is the Quarter story.

Quarter Story:
I  won't be too lengthy, this actually happened.
One school morning, mom called me to take out the trash because my doo doo head brother refused because he felt superior over chores. When  I came back from setting the trash on the front on that chilly  morning, mom gave me a quarter.  I was happy!! A good ol quarter can buy  me a bag of chips during lunch at school. Heck, if I can find a dime, I can get ice-cream, hurray! Skipping to the bathroom to brush my teeth, the son of Satan, my brother followed behind with a vengeance of utter jealousy because mom rewarded me.  His foul presence darken the bathroom door with vicious venom dripping from his teeth.  Unbeknownst to me, my happy lil self with my shiny quarter would have to battle evil that morning, a battle that changed me forever.

Bro: (standing behind me) "What did momma give you?'
Me: (brushing my teeth, stopping in mid-brush) "Nothing." goes back to brushing teeth.
Bro: (voice getting deeper and stern) "Whhat did momma give you?"
Me: (closing my eyes wishing this fool will get lost, spitting toothpaste in the sink) "Nnootthinngg" <--hissing now, irritated.
Bro: (mad as fire, I can feel his foul blazing breath down my neck as he moved closer) demanding voice "WHAT DID MOMMA GIVE YOU?"
Me: (pissed still have toothpaste in my mouth, turning around at the top of my lungs sharply) "A FUCKIN QUARTTTTEEERRR!!!!!"<--I cussed at nine years old.

"KATWOOWEE!"  He spits in my face. The farthead spitted in my face, gross! Without thinking, I spit a HUGE amount of toothpaste. Okay, do you remember on Kill Bill vol.2 where Elle gotten the whole sha bang a bang of Bud's tobacco spit in her face?   Digusting!  That's me when the first round of fire landed on my face. I can only retaliate that friendly fire back but with fluoride goodness. We got to punching, kicking, hitting and biting and now throwing each other into the wall. I told you we fought like grown men! Somehow we fell into the bathtub, still fighting and a broom came into the mix??? Oh, my grandmother was trying to stop us and she grabbed the broom (What's up with old people attacking you with a broom?) hitting us with all her lil strength. Long ago, brooms bottom was made out of straw corn and straw corn isn't the most pleasingly feel good material especially getting smacked in the face. Don't get me started on the broom stick, never forgot when I got cracked upside my head by my malicious brother just for shits and giggles. After the bloody battle, Mom came in, stopped us and guess who got in trouble?
My brother!!  HAHAHAHA You know why? Because he started it. Though, I said a cuss word, she dismissed it because she heard the whole thing and in the heat of the moment getting tired of his incessant bullying, I stood on my own two feet. She also let my brother know since he was too good to take out the trash when asking him first, not me that he doesn't have the right to be ugly and mean. I've always been the nice big sister, sweet, loving and caring (still am) but that morning, I learned don't let nobody jack you around for ish! Put FOOT in their booty!!

He got a whooping too.  Don't ya love Sibling Rivarly??
Magic Mike
Boorrrinnngggg!  I still have love for ya Joe M.

I have viewed Magic Mike on DVD and these are my thoughts:

I know, I know the "uhs" ,"like", "you know what I mean?' LOL. Remember this isn't scripted, that's me speaking.  I was at work recording this, my makeup melted, tired, made the strangest facial expressions and dangit! My teeth moved..(grrrr Invisalign in my future ) but I had peace and quiet. I'm getting over the Magic Mike experience that left me frustrated this week. I told my friend Sissy about it, she refuses to view it in her sight. I don't blame her, I told her Showgirls was the best movie ever. Should have won 4 Academy Awards and 5 Oscars, she agreed fully. LMAO!

Shout out to DDR from BlackWomen with Other Brothers, Check her out!

DDR is the most coolest, wonderful person and when I spoke to her on the phone, I felt a great connection. She's one of those rare people in the world  you'll never forget because of that universal, unique connection in one call or meet up.  Those are the people you do not screw over!!! Also she's on my meet up list when I travel next summer so watch out girl! Keeshia is coming to town.

December, you are here! I am tired and need a good two week break from work. One week is shot down and three more to go. Ready for 2013!!